Full Progression Guide 4 Beginners | Fandom (2024)

Spawn: Etris

Skip to bottom for Islands

1 - Make a build (non shrine, med or heavy, flame, frost, or gale, pvp/pve mix) using base run stats

25 Str - Spine, Bulldozer, good str cards

50 Ftd - Exoskeleton, To The Finish, good hp/survivability cards

25 Agil - Speed Demon, good mobility cards, good climb height

Spare points into Intel, 0 Intel cards

25 Will - Giantslayer, Disbelief

25 Char - Tough Love, Charismatic Cast

75 Weapon (no light)

80 Attune (no thunder, shadow, or metal)

Stat Priority: Attune - > Agil - > Char/Ftd - > Will

Points into Agil at character create and Char

Train Weapon anywhere

Train everything at same time except Will

2 - Etris prep

1: Get 25 notes

2: Get Ring and sell it

3: Buy Boulder

4: Get discount and buy base armor

5: Grab Axe, buy Pick and Flint

6: Cut down wood and sell until you have ~50 notes (or get it any other way on Etris)

7: Buy Charisma training book

8: Craft a Glider

9: Get 10 Campfires

10: Create 15 total of Mushroom Soups and Bread

11: Craft a Canteen and grab 3 Calabashes

12: Fill Canteen

13: Sail

Island #1: Lower Erisia


Farm Island base, shore, and mudskipper cave (everything below stairs) until you get a mantra (mantra guide below). Train Agility and Weapon until power 2, then train Attunement.


Farm the Mudskipper stairs (on way to sharko cave) and rest of Bandits on lower. Farm Bandit Camp if you have a good mantra or friends w/ you. Leave after getting a good 1 star mantra.

Island #2 & 3: Upper Lower Erisia and Upper Erisia


Farm all of Lower Erisia and mainly grind near Erisia's church. You can farm Angel's and special mudskippers. Heal at campfires whenever below 2 bars against Golems.

(5-8/9/10) (not recommended if you can't solo 1/2 of a Sharkos HP at least)

Farm Sharko cave above mudskipper stairs at Vipers Jaw with a campfire at the back to heal. Friends or a good PVE mantra are recommended


Farm Upper Erisia and mainly the Burning Stone gardens. Fight only 1 monster at a time and fully avoid Owls and blood crabs. Farm the Rats Den for better practice at humanoids.

Island #4 (optional): Songseeker (not recommended unless you can fight off Voidwalkers)


Farm Songseeker NPCs at the top of the main island. (Right of the Voidzone) There's 8 Songseeker NPCs and 3 chests to farm before server hopping.

Islands #4.5: Progression Break


Before changing Luminants head to Etris and sell most of your gear. Buy Food, Armor (optional but recommended), Prayer Beads, Campfire, any other gear, make Umbral Flint and Sharkscale Glider (go back to Lower if needed for those two). Buy a Sloop to travel faster.


Head back to Lower and finish both of the talent quests for Engage and Air Dash. Learn to Airdash always unless in combat.


Upgrade your main mantra as far as you can and your secondary mantras if you have notes.

Island #5 (final Island): Exterior Hive (Starswept to Bluster Rift)


Farm up the end of your stats here and look for a decent weapon. Fight monsters one at a time and avoid King Threshers. While here wash your face and get Thresher Scales.

Islands #5.5 Progression Break (safest endgame)

(1) Farm schematics and notes until you get any Master Armor or an armor with 25% Phys or more.

(2) Equip an endgame weapon

(3) Head to the Crypt of the Unbroken and reroll any useless mantras (mantras below).

(4) Farm up to 6 armor or weapon enchants at Crypt (skip this step if you can't fight the Npcs) and use those at Laplace to enchant your weapon (overall beginner tierlist below)

(5) Check your bell progress at Sibex for the amount of bosses you need

Full Progression Guide 4 Beginners | Fandom (1)

Endgame Paths (pick 1)

#1 Base Path (best heavy)

#2 East Path (best medium)

#3 Risk Path (riskiest, most simple/fastest)

Endgame #1: Base Path


- 20 Campfires, Manor Key, 1 Friend (highly recommended), high DPS + guardbreaks and Umbral Flint

Progression: Farm Duke Erisia ~8 times with a grip. Heavy critical + guard breaks are the safest way along with switching out if you have a friend. If your friend can solo Duke you can try and cheese Chain of Perfection. If you get Chain or Providence Thorns (or have 3 people) head to Monkeys Paw and fight Primadon.

Endgame #2: East Path


- 40 Campfires, Umbral Flint, Food

Progression: Farm Ferryman (easiest boss to learn to solo) and fight Kaido whenever possible using Ardour Manifestation and the cliff cheese. ~7 Ferryman runs should give you good relics and bell. You can try to solo chain of perfection here.

Endgame #3: Risk Path


- Primary Master Armor (Prophets Cloak, Black Diver, Etrean Royal Guard), Sanity Potions (optional), MAX Food, Endgame Enchant for PvE, good mobility mantras, good HP kit, good talents and mantras (reroll if you need 2).

Progression: Head to the Corrupt Bell near the Slope Gate and fight corrupt monsters there. After getting ready with a group, head to Layer 2 and fight Chaser. Fight Chaser normally 5 times then complete Deepshore and fight Chaser one last time.

Progression End

- Pick an Oath

- Finish your builds gear

- Gank and wipe @Ragoozer Feet Licker

mantras later

@King Gloomba @HelpfulLilCritter peak cook

Full Progression Guide 4 Beginners  | Fandom (2024)


How long is a day in rogue lineage? ›

Actual in game daylight is approximately 40 minutes long, whilst night time is the latter 20. Day spans across the 10th (XX:10) minute of an hour to the 50th minute (XX:50), with the rest being taken by night.

What should I put my points into at the beginning of Fallout 4? ›

Having high Intelligence from the start will help you level up quicker and is great for earlier unlocks of perks in its tree – all of them proving useful. Strength and Endurance are good for a few points, too, as these increase your carrying capacity (vital throughout the game) and total amount of HP.

What I wish I knew before starting Fallout 4? ›

It's well worth it.
  • 6 Search Out The Best Weapons. Makes Things So Much Easier. ...
  • 5 Make Use Of Pickpocketing. Quests Can Be A Lot Shorter When Using This Perk. ...
  • 4 Items Stay In Place. You Can Make Any Container Your Home Inventory. ...
  • 3 Sleeping Refills Money At The Shop. ...
  • 2 Don't Hoard Money. ...
  • 1 Make Use Of Accepted Names.
Apr 25, 2024

What happens if you lose all your lives in rogue lineage? ›

If you are killed by the white flames in the Domain of Light, you will lose all of your lives and be wiped. On your last life, crystals will flow out of your dead body into the sky.

What happens if you lose all your lives in Arcane Lineage? ›

Players on legendary mode can be revived in battle with a Light of Grace. Once you lose all your lives, your character is permanently deleted, and you must start a new one.

How many lives do you have in the Rogue lineage? ›

Rogue Lineage is an Action RPG Roguelike made in Roblox by Monad Studios. The game revolves around the Permadeath mechanic, where your character has only three livesnote with some exceptions before all progress is wiped, forcing you to start from scratch.

How do you get past the intro in Fallout 4? ›

No official skip button, but you can speed things up! Start a new game, let the intro cutscenes and character creation sequence roll, then save your game. Next time you wanna start fresh, just load this save instead of creating a new game. Voila, intro skipped!

How do you survive early in Fallout 4? ›

It's a real challenge. Lead Belly perk helps with food, Robot Companions heal in Survival mode, and Wasteland Survival Guide boosts hunting. Save often, plan your moves, and focus on specific weapon types in Fallout 4 Survival Mode for increased chances of survival.

How do you beat the Deathclaw at the start of Fallout 4? ›

The easiest way to deal damage to the Deathclaw is by running it around the walls of the museum's interior and doing damage with a ranged weapon whenever you get an opening.


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.