GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (2024)

GW2. WvW Builds. Roaming Builds. Zerg Builds. Builds for Guild Wars 2 World vs World.

📣 Recommendations forNew Players:

  • Beginner’s Guide to Guild Wars 2 World vs World
  • Guide to Objectives, Upgrades, Improvements and Tactics in World vs World
  • Warclaw Mount Achievement Guide
  • Guild Wars 2 Build Templates Guide

📣 Tier Legend:

  • Best –
  • Great – 💗
  • Good – 💎
  • Under Revision – 🔨

Last Update: August 2024

UP TO DATE – Patch Notes Here!

  • Roaming Builds = Small Scale 1 to 10
  • Zerg Builds = Big Scale 10 to 50
  • Roaming (Small Scale)
  • Zerg (Large Scale)

This is a list with a good variety of viable roaming builds for WvW. While roaming you may experience a variety of situations all within a short span of time because of how diverse WvW can be. So there are three main things you want on a roaming build:

  • Self Sustain
  • Mobility
  • Burst Damage

When roaming you can’t rely on your team to cleanse conditions and heal you with dedicated support players. Even though you can roam with a support it is slow and generally only good in situations where the fights are even or favored for you. If the situation doesn’t favor you, a support build can often get run over or can be rendered useless when their teammates scatter.

If you are in a vastly outnumbered situation the only option may be to retreat. Mobility can allow you to survive until you can reach the safety of your territory or allies. Also having the ability to chase down an enemy who is running away is important to having kill potential. You gain a lot more control over situations the more mobility you have.

Due to this opportunistic nature of WvW roaming it is only natural that roamers want to get in when situations favor them and get out quickly before they become too dangerous. Burst damage is useful for getting the kill unnoticed and then retreating back to safe positioning before the enemy can punish you for it.

Power builds often have better burst damage but lack sustain, while Condition builds have more sustained damage over time but lack instant impact. Celestial or hybrid builds will not specialize in anything but be decent at everything while gaining extra utility from boons.

Remember! There’s no “meta” for roaming, use these builds as a starting point and adapt to your playstyle!

📣 All classes are viable, the builds are rated between other builds of the same class. The rating criteria is based on versatility for solo and group situations. Roaming builds aren’t meant for duels only.

📣 Builds marked with the green icon GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (2) are recommend for beginners.

  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (3) Power D/P Daredevil – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (4) Power S/D Daredevil – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (5) Power Rifle Deadeye – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (6) Condition Axe/D Daredevil – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (7) Power Axe/P Daredevil – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (8) Celestial Specter – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (9) Power Specter – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (10) Power S/D Core – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (11) Celestial P/P Daredevil – 💎GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (12)
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (13) Power “Sic ‘Em!” Soulbeast – ⭐GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (14)
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (15) Power Daze Druid – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (16) Condition Druid – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (17) Power Untamed – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (18) Celestial Untamed – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (19) Celestial Soulbeast – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (20) Power Grenade Scrapper – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (21) Celestial Scrapper – ⭐GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (22)
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (23) Power Grenade Holosmith – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (24) Power Tools Holosmith – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (25) Celestial Grenade Core – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (26) Power Mortar Scrapper – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (27) Celestial Mechanist – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (28) Power Rifle Mechanist – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (29) Celestial Mirage – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (30) Power Mirage – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (31) Power Virtuoso – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (32) Condition Ambush Mirage – 💗GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (33)
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (34) Celestial Virtuoso – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (35) Power Shatter Chronomancer – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (36) Condition Chronomancer – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (37) Power PU Shatter Core – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (38) Celestial Daggers Catalyst – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (39) Celestial Scepter Catalyst – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (40) Power Fresh Air Catalyst – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (41) Celestial Tempest – 💗GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (42)
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (43) Power Fresh Air Weaver – 💗
  • Celestial Fire Weaver – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (45) Celestial Hammer Catalyst – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (46) Power Air LR Tempest – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (47) Celestial Harbinger – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (48) Power Reaper – ⭐GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (49)
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (50) Celestial Reaper – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (51) Power Harbinger – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (52) Condition Core Terrormancer – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (53) Celestial Scourge – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (54) Power Spellbreaker – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (55) Celestial Hambow Berserker – ⭐GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (56)
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (57) Condition Burst Berserker – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (58) Power Berserker – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (59) Celestial Spellbreaker – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (60) Power Axe/Hammer Core – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (61) Power Bladesworn – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (62) Power Willbender – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (63) Celestial Willbender – ⭐GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (64)
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (65) Power Trapper Dragonhunter – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (66) Condition Dragonhunter – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (67) Celestial Firebrand – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (68) Power Radiance Core Guardian – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (69) Power Vindicator – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (70) Celestial Vindicator – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (71) Celestial Renegade – 💗GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (72)
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (73) Power Herald – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (74) Power Renegade – 💎
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (75) Celestial Herald – 💎

These are some of the most common builds for Zerging in WvW. Role-defined builds because in large squads the duty of healing, doing damage, or utility, can often be simplified to a build that focuses only on that. The two main roles are:

  • DPS
  • Support

DPS will usually have very aggressive builds with low amounts of sustain but high burst pressure that when coordinated with other DPS builds can break through the support of other squads. Supports will usually provide plenty of healing, revival, cleansing, stability, and boons to allow their DPS and other squad members to survive.

Another important duty of a squad is to remove boons from their enemies, which can be done by specific builds in either role to allow their DPS players to more easily land their damage especially if they can remove the most powerful boon, stability, so they can land crowd controls (CC).

Even further categorization can be done between frontline and backline. The frontline usually deal damage in close range can tank the damage of their enemies, whereas backline are usually less durable and stay within range of their supports but requiring positioning that doesn’t put them in danger. Supports are technically front and backline depending on who needs support. While some builds may be more essential than others, a balanced composition is more effective than stacking one build.

Support Builds

  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (76) Support Firebrand
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (77) Support Vindicator – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (78) Support Scrapper
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (79) Support Tempest 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (80) Support Chronomancer 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (81) Support Hybrid Renegade – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (82) Support Scourge – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (83) Support Druid – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (84) Support Spellbreaker 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (85) Support Specter – 💎

DPS Builds

  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (86) DPS Berserker – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (87) DPS Holosmith – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (88) DPS Vindicator – ⭐
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (89) DPS Reaper – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (90) DPS Dragonhunter 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (91) DPS Soulbeast – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (92) DPS Virtuoso – 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (93) DPS Weaver 💗
  • GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (94) DPS Daredevil – 💎

📣 Questions and Discussion

📣 The list for roaming is a compilation of builds that are constantly updated and tested by experienced roamers, making build guides or showing actual gameplay.

📣 The list for zerg is a compilation of the common and optimal builds that most squads ask these days with a focus on survivability to make them easy to learn. You should always use a build provided by your guild, if you are in one.

📣 If you are a content creator and want to be featured on the site feel free to contact here.

📣 Feel free to discuss or suggest more builds in the comments. Join GuildJen Discord for more discussion and questions.

GW2 WvW Builds - GuildJen - Roaming Builds - Guild Wars 2 (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.