Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), Pattern/Certificate of Achievement - San Joaquin Delta College (2024)

Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), Pattern/Certificate of Achievement - San Joaquin Delta College (1)Student ID:__________________________Student Name:_______________________Counselor Name:_______________________Catalog: 2023-2024 San Joaquin Delta College CatalogProgram: Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), Pattern/Certificate of Achievement

This certificate is designed for the student who intends to transfer to the California State University (CSU) System or the University of California (UC) System and chooses to complete IGETC to satisfy lower division general education requirements. Completion and certification of the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) permits students to transfer from San Joaquin Delta College to a campus of the California State University or the University of California without the need to take additional courses after transfer to satisfy the lower division general education requirements. Many independent colleges and universities also accept the IGETC Pattern. Consult with a counselor or contact your transfer institution for further information. Courses in Areas 1A, 1B, 1C, and 2must be completed with a grade of C or better. Although a course may be listed under more than one area, a course cannot be used to satisfy more than one general education area (with the noted exception of Area 6-UC Only).

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, the student will have successfully completed all required IGETC lower division general education pattern coursework.

Area 1 - Communication

Complete 6-9 units with at least one course each from 1A - English Composition and 1B - Critical Thinking. Students transferring to CSU must also complete 1C - Oral Communication.

1A: English Composition

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen EdENG 1A Reading and Composition Units: 3ENG 2A Reading and Composition with Support Units: 4

1B: Critical Thinking

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen EdENG 1B College Composition and Literature Units: 3ENG 1D Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking Units: 3

1C: Oral Communication - Students transferring to a UC do not have to meet the oral communication requirement.

Students transferring to CSU must complete the Oral Communication requirement for admission. Students using the IGETC pattern to satisfy the Associate Degree GE requirements mustcomplete this Oral Communication Requirement.

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen EdCOM ST 1A Public Speaking Units: 3

Area 2 - Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning

Complete a minimum of 3 units.

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen EdCOM ST 14 Statistical Analysis for Communication Units: 3LAW 26 Introductory Statistical Analysis for Law, Policy, and Justice Studies Units: 4MATH 1 Calculus I + Units: 5MATH 2 Calculus II Units: 4MATH 3 Multivariable Calculus Units: 4MATH 4 Differential Equations Units: 4MATH 13 Survey of Calculus + Units: 4MATH 20 Finite Mathematics Units: 3MATH 37 College Algebra Units: 3MATH 37EX College Algebra with Support Units: 4MATH 38A Precalculus I ++ Units: 4MATH 38B Precalculus II ++ Units: 4MATH 39 Precalculus ++ Units: 6PSYCH 2 Statistical Methods for Psychology & Social Science Units: 3STATS 12 Introduction to Probability and Statistics Units: 4STATS 12EX Introduction to Probability and Statistics with Support Units: 4.5

Area 3 - Arts and Humanities

Complete a minimum of 9 units with at least one course each from 3A - Arts, and 3B - Humanities.

3A: Arts

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen EdART 1A Art History: Europe from Prehistory to 1400 Units: 3ART 1B Art History: Europe from the Fifteenth to the Twentieth Century Units: 3ART 1C Modern and Contemporary Art History Units: 3ART 2 Art History of the Non-Western World Units: 3ART 3 Art Appreciation + Units: 3DANCE 29 Dance Appreciation Units: 3DANCE 32 Dance Cultures Units: 3DRAMA 10 Introduction to Theatre Units: 3DRAMA 16A History of Theatre: Primitive to the 18th Century Units: 3DRAMA 16B History of Theatre:18th Century to Present Units: 3ENG 30 The Film as Literature Units: 3MUSIC 1 Music Fundamentals + Units: 3MUSIC 4 Exploring Music Units: 3MUSIC 7 Excursions in Music of Our World Units: 3MUSIC 8 Exploring Jazz, Ragtime, and Blues Units: 3

3B: Humanities

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen EdANTHR /HUM 4 Introduction to Linguistics Units: 3CIVIL /HUM 3 Autobiography of Civilization Units: 3ENG 35 Chicano Literature Units: 3ENG 37 Women in Literature Units: 3ENG 38 Mythology Units: 3ENG 42A Survey of American Literature I Units: 3ENG 42B Survey of American Literature II Units: 3ENG 43C World Literature I Units: 3ENG 43D World Literature II Units: 3ENG 45 Introduction to Shakespeare Units: 3ENG 46A Survey of British Literature I Units: 3ENG 46B Survey of British Literature II Units: 3ENG 52 From Story to Screen Units: 3ENG 57 Children’s Literature Units: 3ENG 61 Hip Hop Poetics Units: 3ENG 62A Race and Ethnicity in Literature Units: 3ENG 62B Contemporary African American Literature Units: 3ENG 62C Asian American Literature Units: 3ENG 62D Indigenous American Literature Units: 3ENG 62E Introduction to Latino/a Literature Units: 3FREN 3 Intermediate French I ^ Units: 5FREN 4 Intermediate French II ^ Units: 5FREN 5 Advanced French ^ Units: 5HIST 2A World History to 1600 Units: 3HIST 2B World History Since 1600 Units: 3HIST 4A History of Western Civilization Units: 3HIST 4B History of Western Civilization Units: 3HIST 6A History of Asian Civilizations Units: 3HIST 6C History of the Middle East Units: 3HIST 7 History Through Film Units: 3HIST 17A History of the United States ** Units: 3HIST 17B History of the United States ** Units: 3HIST 27 Women in History ** Units: 3HIST 30A African-American History to 1877 ** Units: 3HIST 30B African-American History Since 1877 ** Units: 3HIST 31 Mexican-American History ** Units: 3HIST 34 Asian Pacific American History Units: 3HIST 37 California History Units: 3HUM /CIVIL 3 Autobiography of Civilization Units: 3HUM /ANTHR 4 Introduction to Linguistics Units: 3PHILO 6 Introduction to Philosophy Units: 3PHILO 40 Ethics Units: 3PHILO 45 Philosophy of Religion Units: 3PHILO 50 Asian Philosophy Units: 3RELGN 14A Great Religions of the Eastern World Units: 3RELGN 14B Great Religions of the Western World Units: 3SL 3 Intermediate American Sign Language I ^ Units: 4SL 4 Intermediate American Sign Language II ^ Units: 4SPAN 3 Intermediate Spanish I ^ Units: 5SPAN 3A Spanish for Spanish Speakers I Units: 5SPAN 4 Intermediate Spanish II Units: 5SPAN 20 Introduction to Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies through Literature Units: 5

Area 4 - Social and Behavioral Sciences

Complete a minimum of 6units from at least two disciplines.

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen EdANTHR 1 Cultural Anthropology Units: 3ANTHR 6 Native Peoples of North America Units: 3ANTHR 10 Introduction to Archaeology Units: 3BIOL /PSYCH 30 Human Sexuality Units: 3BUS 8 Introduction to Law and Society Units: 3BUS 26 Economics of Business Units: 3COM ST 7 Intercultural Communication Units: 3ECE 21 Child and Adolescent Development + Units: 3ECON 3 Principles of Microeconomics Units: 3ECON 5 Principles of Macroeconomics Units: 3ETHNS 33 Introduction to Native American Studies Units: 3ETHNS 34 Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies Units: 3ETHNS 35 Introduction to Black/African American Studies Units: 3ETHNS 36 Introduction to Asian American Studies Units: 3GEOG 2 Cultural Geography Units: 3GEOG 10 World Regional Geography Units: 3LAW 16 Introduction to Social Justice: Law and Social Change Units: 3PETHEORY 41 Sport in Society Units: 3PETHEORY 49 Psychology of Fitness and Sport Performance Units: 3POLSC 1 American Government and Institutions ** Units: 3POLSC 2 Introduction to Comparative Politics Units: 3POLSC 3 Introduction to Political Theory Units: 3POLSC 4 California Politics Units: 3POLSC 5 International Relations Units: 3POLSC 6 International Political Economy Units: 3PSYCH 1 Introduction to Psychology Units: 3PSYCH 3 Personal and Social Psychology Units: 3PSYCH 4 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology Units: 3PSYCH /BIOL 30 Human Sexuality Units: 3SOCIO 1A Introduction to Sociology Units: 3SOCIO 1B Social Problems Units: 3SOCIO 27 Introduction to Gender Units: 3SOCIO 33 Introduction to Race and Ethnicity Units: 3

Area 5 Physical And Biological Sciences

Complete a minimum of 7 units with at least one course each from 5A - Physical Science, and 5B - Biological Science. At least one course must include a laboratory component as indicated in Area 5C - Science Laboratory. Asterisk (*) indicates a Lab course.

5A: Physical Science

Asterisk (*) indicates a laboratory.

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen EdASTRO 1 Introductory Astronomy Units: 3ASTRO 1L Astronomy Laboratory * Units: 1ASTRO 11 Astronomy of the Solar System Units: 4ASTRO 12 Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe Units: 4CHEM 1A General Chemistry * Units: 5CHEM 1B General Chemistry * Units: 5CHEM 3A Introduction to Chemistry *+ Units: 4CHEM 10 Exploring Everyday Chemistry Units: 3CHEM 12A Organic Chemistry *# Units: 5CHEM 12B Organic Chemistry * Units: 5GEOG 1 Physical Geography Units: 3GEOG 1L Physical Geography Laboratory * Units: 1GEOL 1A Physical Geology w/Lab * Units: 4GEOL 1B Historical Geology w/Lab * Units: 4GEOL 2 Introduction to Environmental Science Units: 3GEOL 5 Earth Science Units: 3GEOL 5A Earth Science with Laboratory * Units: 4GEOL 15 Environmental Geology Units: 3GEOL 16 Oceanography Units: 3PHSCI 1 Conceptual Physical Science + Units: 3PHYSC 2A General Physics *+ Units: 4PHYSC 4A Principles of Physics: Mechanics *+ Units: 4PHYSC 10 Introduction to Physics *+ Units: 4PLANT 14 Soil Science * Units: 4

5B: Biological Science

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen EdANTHR 2 Biological Anthropology Units: 3ANTHR 2L Biological Anthropology Laboratory * Units: 1BIOL 1 Cell and Molecular Biology * Units: 4BIOL 2 Zoology/Animal Diversity and Evolution * Units: 5BIOL 3 Plant Diversity and Ecology * Units: 4BIOL 10 Survey of Biology *+ Units: 4BIOL 11 Human Biology * Units: 4BIOL 23 General Microbiology *+ Units: 5BIOL 31 Human Anatomy Units: 4BIOL 32 Human Physiology *+ Units: 5BIOL 33 Anatomy & Physiology *+ Units: 6PLANT 10 Principles of Plant Science Units: 3PLANT 10L Principles of Plant Science Laboratory * Units: 1PSYCH 5 Introduction to Biological Psychology * Units: 4

5C: Science Laboratory

This requirement will be satisfied by completion of any laboratory course in Area 5A or 5B. Laboratory courses are indicated with an asterisk (*).

Area 6 (UC ONLY) - Language Other Than English (LOTE)

Proficiency equivalent to two years of high school study in the same language. The following course(s) fulfill this UC requirement. See additional ways to satisfy the LOTE Area 6 requirement in the Notes area at the bottom of the page.

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen EdCHIN 2 Elementary Chinese II Units: 5FREN 2 Elementary French II Units: 5FREN 3 Intermediate French I ^ Units: 5FREN 4 Intermediate French II ^ Units: 5GERM 1 Elementary German I Units: 5GERM 2 Elementary German II Units: 5ITAL 1 Elementary Italian I Units: 5ITAL 2 Elementary Italian II Units: 5JAPAN 2 Elementary Japanese II Units: 5SL 2 Elementary American Sign Language II Units: 4SL 3 Intermediate American Sign Language I ^ Units: 4SL 4 Intermediate American Sign Language II ^ Units: 4SPAN 2 Elementary Spanish II Units: 5SPAN 3 Intermediate Spanish I ^ Units: 5SPAN 3A Spanish for Spanish Speakers I ^ Units: 5SPAN 4 Intermediate Spanish II ^ Units: 5SPAN 4A Spanish for Spanish Speakers II Units: 5SPAN 5 Advanced Spanish Introduction to Literature I Units: 5SPAN 6 Advanced Spanish Introduction to Literature II Units: 5

Area 7 Ethnic Studies

Complete a minimum of 3 semester units.

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen EdETHNS 33 Introduction to Native American Studies Units: 3ETHNS 34 Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies Units: 3ETHNS 35 Introduction to Black/African American Studies Units: 3ETHNS 36 Introduction to Asian American Studies Units: 3

Minimum Units Required: 34-37

Notice to Students

Courses used to satisfy this certificate must have been IGETC approved during the semester in which the course was completed. For a complete listing of courses and approval dates log on to or see a counselor or evaluator for a list of course approval dates.

IGETC may not be the best choice to satisfy general education requirements for majors that require extensive lower division major preparation. See a counselor or consult or for additional IGETC considerations.


^ Courses listed in multiple areas shall not be certified in more than one area except for courses in Languages Other Than English (LOTE), which can be certified in both Area 3 and Area 6.

* Indicates laboratory course

** CSU and UC Systems have an American Institutions (AI) graduation requirement that is not part of the IGETC pattern and is not required for IGETC Certification. It is recommended that students complete this requirement prior to transfer. Students using the IGETC pattern for transfer to a UC campus may have satisfied the American Institutions graduation requirement through high school coursework. Satisfactory completion in high school of a one-year course in U.S. History, or a half-year course in U.S. History and a half-year course in American Government combined, satisfies this requirement at all UC campuses except UC Santa Barbara, which requires a college level course. UCLA requires that the student must have earned a “B” average in these high school courses. Students who did not satisfy the AI requirement through high school coursework may do so by taking any course indicated by ** on the IGETC Pattern. Students must take an additional course in the same IGETC area as the AI requirement to satisfy the area general education requirement. It is highly recommended that you consult a Counselor to ensure successful transfer.

Students using the IGETC pattern to transfer to a CSU campus to satisfy the AI graduation requirement may complete one of the two options below.
Option 1: HIST 17A AND one of HIST 27, 30B, 34, POLSC 1
Option 2: POLSC 1 AND one of HIST 17A, 17B, 27, 30A, 30B, 31, 34(F16)

CSU campuses have the discretion whether to allow courses used to satisfy the CSU AI graduation requirement to count in both Areas 3B/4.

+ Transfer credit may be limited by UC. Students should consult counselor or visit for additional information.

++ Math 38A, 38B, and 39 combined: Maximum credit, 5 units.

# CHEM 3Band CHEM 12Acombined: Maximum credit, one course

Additional Ways to Meet LOTE Area 6 Requirement

  • Completion of two years of the same foreign language in high school level work with a grade of “C” or better.
  • SAT II: Subject Tests in languages other than English with minimum scores as indicated below: Before May 1995 use 1st score; if taken after May 1995 use 2nd score.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) examinations in languages other than English with a score of 3 or higher.
  • International Baccalaureate Higher Level (IBHL) examinations in languages other than English with a score of 5 or higher.
  • (International) General Certificate of Secondary Education [(I)GCSE]/General Certificate of Education.
  • (GCE) “O” level exams in languages other than English with a grade of “A”, “B”, or “C.”
  • General Certificate of Education (GCE) “A” Level exams in languages other than English with a grade of “A”, “B” or “C.”
  • Satisfactory completion of an achievement test administered by a community college, university, or other college in a language other than English. The test will have to assess the student’s proficiency at the level equivalent to two years of high school language. This conclusion must be posted on a transcript indicating unit, course title and grade or on a document with letterhead of the institution granting proficiency stating that the student has mastered proficiency in the language equivalent to two years of high school language. If an achievement test is not available, a faculty member associated with a United States regionally accredited institution of higher education can verify a student’s competency. The institution must provide a document on letterhead asserting that the student has mastered proficiency in the language equivalent to two years/second level of high school instruction. (See IGETC Standards Section 11.6 for a sample. This sample must be printed on college/ university letterhead.)
  • Seventh and Eighth Grade Courses: High school-level courses in languages other than English completed (in junior high/middle school) during 7th and/or 8th grades, with letter grades of at least “C-” may be used (see Section 9.3/10.6.2d). This may be done by including the names of and grades for these courses on the student’s transcript, or by stating their equivalency on the transcript. The 7th and 8th grade courses may also be validated if the student completes one semester or more of the same language in the high school at a higher level.
  • In an institution where the language of instruction is not English, formal schooling through the sixth grade level or higher. Appropriate documentation must be presented to substantiate the language of instruction. If an official sealed transcript cannot be obtained from an international institution, an unofficial or opened transcript may be used.
  • More advanced language courses that focus on culture and otherwise satisfy the specifications of the humanities can also be used to satisfy an Area 3B (Humanities) requirement and clear IGETC Area 6A, Language Other Than English (LOTE).
Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), Pattern/Certificate of Achievement - San Joaquin Delta College (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.