Pokemon Quest Recipes List (2024)

This article is over 6 years old and may contain outdated information

One of the biggest aspects of Pokemon Quest is the cooking ability. Between expeditions you can cook and learn cooking recipes to make dishes that will attract specific types of Pokemon. There are 18 known cooking recipes in Pokemon Quest, but there are also a few hidden recipes that players can cook up. This article covers all of the known cooking recipes in Pokemon Quest so you know exactly what ingredients to use to make each dish and attract the Pokemon you’re looking for. We’ll continue adding to our recipes list as new cooking recipes are discovered, including the Hot Pot a la Cube recipe and more of the highly requested recipes in the game.

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At the moment we have Pokemon Quest recipes forMulligan Stew, Red Stew, Blue Soda, Yellow Curry, Grey Porridge, Mouth-watering Dip, Plain Crepe, Sludge Soup, Mud Pie, Veggie Smoothie, Honey Nectar, Brain Food, Stone Soup, Light-as-Air Casserole, Hot Pot a la Cube, Watt a Risotta, Get Swole Syrup, Ambrosia of Legends. If any new recipes are found, we’ll be sure to add them to this article. You can find cooking information, a quick recipe list and complete details on all known recipes below!

Pokemon Quest Cooking Details

To capture new Pokemon, you need to use the cooking pot at base camp. When a dish is done cooking, depending on the dish you made, a Pokemon will wander into your base camp and be added to your Pokedex. Once a Pokemon is in your Pokedex you can add them to your team, use them for training or more.

Each time you’re back at base camp you can click on the cooking pot to initiate the cooking mini-game. At this point you can select an array of ingredients to place into the pot. Once the pot is full you can start cooking. It will take some time for dishes to cook, so feel free to go out on several expeditions while you wait for the food to be done. When a dish is done cooking you’ll see the icon in the lower right corner change to indicate the food is done.

PM Tickets

Since cooking takes time, try to make sure you’re always cooking something when you leave for expeditions. If you don’t have the necessary ingredients you can wait, but if you have what you need to cook the dish you want, you should always be cooking to save time. If you get impatient, you can use PM Tickets to speed up the cooking process.

The more cooking time that’s left for the dish, the more PM Tickets it will cost you to get the dish immediately. For example, if you need five expedition days to make a dish, it may cost you 50 PM Tickets if you want it as soon as you start cooking, but only 20 PM Tickets if you go on a few expeditions first.

Ingredient Amounts

Pay close attention to the Ingredients Amount number near the upper left corner of the cooking screen. This number indicates how many ingredients you’ll need to fill each slot in the pot, and changes as you upgrade to new cooking pots. For example, if the Ingredients Amount number is three (default pot), even though there are five slots, each time you place an item in a slot you will be using three of that item. So instead of requiring five total items to fill the pot and start cooking, you actually need 15 items.

Cooking Pots

As you play through more and more expeditions you can eventually unlock more cooking pots that will change the Ingredients Amount number, the level of the Pokemon the food attracts, and potentially what recipes you can make. If you want to attract higher level Pokemon, you need to upgrade your pot. This will also require you to need a lot more ingredients. You can take a look at the additional pots below, and don’t forget you can find more strategies and advice in our Pokemon Quest game hub!

Additional Pots

  • Default Pot – Slots Require 3 of each ingredient.
  • Bronze Pot – Slots Require 10 of each ingredient.
  • Silver Pot – Slots Require 15 of each ingredient.
  • Gold Pot – Slots Require 20 of each ingredient.

Cooking Ingredients

At the moment there are 10 total ingredients in the game that you can find while you’re out on expedition defeating other Pokemon. We know the names of nine of these ingredients and will be adding the last one as soon as we have that information. If new ingredients appear we’ll add them to the list.

Ingredient Color Description
Apricorn Yellow Hard, Small
Balm Mushroom Grey Soft
Big Root Red Soft, Big, Plant
Bluk Berry Blue Soft, Small, Sweet
Fossil Grey Hard, Small, Mineral
Honey Yellow Soft, Sweet
Icy Rock Blue Hard, Mineral
Mystical Shell N/A Mystical
Rainbow Matter N/A Substitute for any other ingredients.
Tiny Mushroom Red Soft, Small

Cooking Recipes Quick List

There are a variety of different recipes that result in the same dishes. For example, you can make a Hot Pot with three Tiny Mushrooms and two Bluk Berries, or you can make it with three Tiny Mushrooms and two Big Roots. Because of this, we’ve included one specific recipe with each dish in the bale below, along with the requirements to make the dish so you can experiment with additional recipes. Below the table you’ll find all known recipes for each dish and the specific Pokemon they attract. We’ve also covered all of the known special recipes in another articlehere.

Note #1: All ingredient amounts listed are by slot. For example, Tiny Mushroom (5) means you need to place Tiny Mushrooms in all five spaces in the pot. That’s 15 total Tiny Mushrooms with the default pot, and 100 with the gold pot.

Note #2: Mulligan Stew a la Cube is the generic dish you get whenever you use ingredients that don’t make anything else.

Note #3: Mystical Shells are generally found during mission 12-1 and beyond, only if you get a Legendary Pokemon as the boss, and defeat the Legendary Pokemon.

Recipe Description Amounts

  • A little – 1 Cooking Pot Space
  • A few – 2 Cooking Pot Spaces
  • A lot – 3 Cooking Pot Spaces
  • A whole lot – 4 Cooking Pot Spaces
Food Favored Pokemon Sample Recipe Ingredients Ingredient Description
1. Mulligan Stew Random Apricorn (2), Bluk Berry (2), Tiny Mushroom (1) Anything that doesn’t make other dishes. Whatever ingredients you like.
2. Red Stew Red Tiny Mushroom (5) At least four red items. A whole lot of red.
3. Blue Soda Blue Bluk Berry (5) At least four blue items. A whole lot of blue.
4. Yellow Curry Yellow Apricorn (5) At least four yellow items. A whole lot of yellow.
5. Grey Porridge Grey Balm Mushroom (5) At least four grey items. A whole lot of grey.
6. Mouth-watering Dip Water Bluk Berry (3), Tiny Mushroom (2) A whole lot of soft things and a lot of blue.
7. Plain Crepe Normal Bluk Berry (3), Fossil (2) A lot of sweet things and a few grey.
8. Sludge Soup Poison Balm Mushroom (2), Tiny Mushroom (3) A whole lot of mushrooms and a lot of soft things.
9. Mud Pie Ground Fossil (2), Tiny Mushroom (3) A few minerals and a lot of soft things.
10. Veggie Smoothie Grass Apricorn (1), Balm Mushroom (1), Big Root (3) A whole lot of plants and a few soft things.
11. Honey Nectar Bug Bluk Berry (2), Honey (3) A whole lot of sweet things and a lot of yellow.
12. Brain Food Psychic Apricorn (2), Bluk Berry (3) A lot of sweet things and a few hard things.
13. Stone Soup Rock Apricorn (2), Fossil (3) A whole lot of hard things and a few minerals.
14. Light-as-Air Casserole Flying Big Root (2), Fossil (2), Icy Stone (1) A lot of minerals and a few plants.
15. Hot Pot a la Cube Fire Bluk Berry (2), Tiny Mushroom (3) A lot of mushrooms and a little red.
16. Watt a Risotta Electric Apricorn (1), Honey (2), Tiny Mushroom (2) A whole lot of soft things and a lot of yellow.
17. Get Swole Syrup Fighting Bluk Berry (2), Honey (1), Tiny Mushroom (2) A lot of sweet things and a few mushrooms.
18. Ambrosia of Legends Rare Mystical Shell (5) A whole lot of mystical things.

Recipe Details

Mulligan Stew


  1. Apricorn (2), Bluk Berry (2), Tiny Mushroom (1)
  2. Rainbow Matter (5)
  3. Anything that doesn’t make another dish.

Pokemon Attracted

  • Random

Red Stew


  1. Big Root (5)
  2. Tiny Mushroom (5)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Red Pokemon

Blue Soda


  1. Bluk Berry (5)
  2. Icy Rock (5)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Blue Pokemon

Yellow Curry


  1. Apricorn (5)
  2. Honey (5)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Yellow Pokemon

Grey Porridge


  1. Balm Mushroom (5)
  2. Fossil (5)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Grey Pokemon

Mouth-watering Dip


  1. Apricorn (1), Bluk Berry (3), Honey (1)
  2. Bluk Berry (2), Honey (2), Icy Rock (1)
  3. Bluk Berry (3), Tiny Mushroom (2)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Goldeen
  • Horsea
  • Lapras
  • Magikarp
  • Seel
  • Shellder
  • Squirtle
  • Staryu
  • Poliwag
  • Psyduck

Plain Crepe


  1. Balm Mushroom (2), Honey (3)
  2. Balm Mushroom (2), Bluk Berry (1), Honey (2)
  3. Bluk Berry (3), Fossil (2)
  4. Bluk Berry (2), Fossil (2), Honey (1)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Chansey
  • Ditto
  • Eevee
  • Jigglypuff
  • Kangaskhan
  • Meowth
  • Porygon
  • Rattata
  • Snorlax
  • Tauros

Sludge Soup


  1. Balm Mushroom (2), Tiny Mushroom (3)
  2. Balm Mushroom (3), Tiny Mushroom (2)
  3. Balm Mushroom (3), Rainbow Matter (1), Tiny Mushroom (1)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Bulbasaur
  • Ekans
  • Gastly
  • Grimer
  • Koffing
  • Nidoran
  • Zubat

Mud Pie


  1. Bluk Berry (1), Honey (2), Icy Rock (2)
  2. Fossil (2), Tiny Mushroom (3)
  3. Honey (3), Icy Rock (2)
  4. Icy Rock (2), Tiny Mushroom (3)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Geodude
  • Onix
  • Rhyhorn
  • Sandshrew

Veggie Smoothie


  1. Apricorn (1), Big Root (3), Rainbow Matter (1)
  2. Apricorn (1), Balm Mushroom (1), Big Root (3)
  3. Apricorn (2), Big Root (3)
  4. Apricorn (3), Big Root (1), Tiny Mushroom (1)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Belsprout
  • Bulbasaur
  • Exeggcute
  • Oddish
  • Tangela

Honey Nectar


  1. Apricorn (1), Bluk Berry (2), Honey (2)
  2. Bluk Berry (1), Honey (3), Rainbow Matter (1)
  3. Bluk Berry (1), Honey (3), Icy Rock (1)
  4. Bluk Berry (2), Honey (3)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Caterpie
  • Paras
  • Pinsir
  • Scyther
  • Venonat
  • Weedle

Brain Food


  1. Apricorn (1), Bluk Berry (1), Honey (2), Icy Rock (1)
  2. Apricorn (2), Bluk Berry (3)
  3. Apricorn (2), Bluk Berry (2), Honey (1)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Abra
  • Drowzee
  • Exeggcute
  • Jynx
  • Mr. Mime
  • Slowpoke

Stone Soup


  1. Apricorn (1), Fossil (1), Icy Rock (3)
  2. Apricorn (2), Fossil (3)
  3. Apricorn (2), Fossil (2), Icy Rock (1)
  4. Fossil (1), Icy Rock (3), Rainbow Matter (1)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Aerodactyl
  • Geodude
  • Kabuto
  • Omanyte
  • Onix
  • Rhyhorn

Light-as-Air Casserole


  1. Big Root (2), Icy Rock (3)
  2. Big Root (2), Fossil (2), Icy Rock (1)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Aeridactyl
  • Doduo
  • Farfetch’d
  • Pidgey
  • Scyther
  • Spearow
  • Zubat

Hot Pot a la Cube


  1. Balm Mushroom (3), Big Root (2)
  2. Bluk Berry (2), Tiny Mushroom (3)
  3. Honey (2), Tiny Mushroom (3)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Charmander
  • Growlithe
  • Magmar
  • Ponyta
  • Vulpix

Watt a Risotta


  1. Apricorn (1), Honey (2), Tiny Mushroom (2)
  2. Apricorn (1), Balm Mushroom (1), Big Root (1), Honey (2)
  3. Balm Mushroom (1), Big Root (1), Honey (3)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Electabuzz
  • Magnemite
  • Pikachu
  • Voltorb

Get Swole Syrup


  1. Balm Mushroom (1), Bluk Berry (2), Honey (1), Tiny Mushroom (1)
  2. Bluk Berry (2), Honey (1), Tiny Mushroom (2)
  3. Bluk Berry (1), Honey (2), Tiny Mushroom (2)
  4. Balm Mushroom (1), Bluk Berry (1), Honey (2), Tiny Mushroom (1)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Hitmonchan
  • Hitmonlee
  • Machop
  • Mankey

Ambrosia of Legends


  1. Mystical Shell (1), Any Item (4)
  2. Mystical Shell (3), Rainbow Matter (2)
  3. Mystical Shell (5)

Pokemon Attracted

  • Articuno
  • Mew
  • Mewtwo
  • Moltres
  • Zapdos

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Pokemon Quest

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Pokemon Quest Recipes List (2024)


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